
headshot5This blog shares stories about people, events and organizations working to help individuals with special needs in our community live their best lives. With a focus on Boone, Kenton and Campbell counties, it strives to celebrate and educate, inspire and inform. Parents, family, friends, educators, therapists, social workers, health care providers – everyone who cares about people with special needs is welcome.

My name is Angie Mimms, and I’ve worked as a print journalist, communications  director, newspaper columnist and book reviewer. I hold a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Western Kentucky University and a master’s of fine arts in writing from Spalding University. My greatest preparation for bringing this blog to you, though, is the time I’ve spent as the parent of a child with special needs.

Traveling this road gets confusing, frustrating. With no maps, no manuals, no guidebooks, it’s hard sometimes to know which way to turn.  But the road also hums with love, joy, gratitude and surprising glimpses of beauty that make us catch our breath, like that unexpected view when the trees suddenly clear and a scenic valley spreads before us.

I’ve learned a lot while navigating this road. I realize there’s plenty more to discover. Please join me here so we can explore together ways to help the special people close to us live their best lives. Let’s create community as we travel the road together.

For more about the start of Special Needs Northern Kentucky, you can take a look at my first post, Finding friends along the road.